• Blog

    We write about nightlife and share our stories and recommendations.

Credit: Incase

    Wisdom of a Drunk Man

    I was just sitting down at a table at Bungalow and this dude comes to sit next to me. I had no idea who he was or what he wanted. All I knew is that he was way past drunk. Have you ever been near someone so drunk, you can actually feel it even though you're dead sober? Well, that guy was just like that. He did introduce himself then just started talking to me.

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      When Dancing Intense Goes Wrong

      Sup wit it? Everything good ?   Anyway, dat ain't what I'm here to speak about. So I'm out last night at this one spot wit my boy. He is a cool cat don't get me wrong, but his dance moves went from 0 to 60 in New York Minute LITERALLY. I'm chillin' with a lil' whiskey and beer, i look over at my boy , he's already showing symptoms of intense dance fever, doin'

      By |Blog, Dance, People|

        Welcome to the New FeedBak

        Welcome to the NEW FeedBak! The FeedBak is BAK to feed you some juicy stories, funny anecdotes, rants and share tips and advice about the nightlife experience! We’ve redesigned the website with the following features:

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          K.Flay and Jayceeoh headline unofficial Interactive

          Hello! Just making sure you and Feedbak readers know about the massive party/live hip-hop/DJ showcase my Austin tech startup is throwing to kick off unofficial Interactive. I’ll put you on the VIP list with drink tickets, if you let me know you’re coming out! The SpareFoot Party is hosted bySpareFoot, the online marketplace for self-storage. We’re a tech startup success story with a team that takes partying seriously. Sounds will range from throwback hip-hop to

          By |Blog, Music|

            It’s Called Bar Etiquette, People!

            I don't mind a crowded bar. People are just hanging out waiting to be served because the bar is busy. But if it's crowded because people are hanging at the bar even when they're not ordering, that's gotta be the most annoying thing ever! "But I don't have anywhere to put my drink down." I don't care. Go find a table somewhere or use those hands of yours; your phone can stay in your pocket

            By |Blog, People|

              Grown Men Should Act/Dress Their Age

              If you know me or have read some of my previous stories, one of my hobbies when I go out is to people-watch. I’m sure everybody does it too some extent but most people are oblivious to it. And that’s OK: they’re out to have fun so why waste time watching other people do the same? On top of that, you’re drinking so who cares? Anyway, sometimes I choose to go out to be entertained,

              By |Blog, Fashion, People|

                A Song Request Gone Wrong, But Right

                If there’s one thing that most DJs really don’t like, it’s song request. Of course, there are do’s and don’ts when it comes to getting your favorite song played. If you haven’t read DJ Bobby West’s guide to requesting songs, you should definitely check it out. It’s one thing if the request makes sense and goes along with the current vibe of the place but asking for “Call Me Maybe” in the middle of a

                By |Blog, DJ|

                  More Than Pizza: Applying Basic Business Principles to the DJ/Entertainment Industry Part II

                  DJ Bobby West shares his thoughts on the DJ/entertainment industry regarding the selection of music that is provided at bars/clubs. As he explained in Part I, from a business standpoint, it is good practice to provide patrons with other music than Top 40 (i.e. pizza). In Part II, he takes his analogy with the food industry further and gives advice on how to improve the nightlife experience: what to look for when booking a DJ, maintain consistency in your brand, and build a variety.

                  By |Blog, DJ|

                    More Than Pizza: Applying Basic Business Principles to the DJ/Entertainment Industry Part I

                    All restaurants are Taco Bell (Not really, but maybe you catch my reference?) Imagine, for a few seconds, that you move away from Austin for a year and then return. On the drive back, you think of all the restaurants you’ve been craving for the past year, but when you get back to Austin, you discover something curious. Your favorite restaurants are still there, but a sweeping trend has overtaken all business owners. A few

                    By |Blog, DJ|

                      Live From N.Y.C!!!!

                      Ayoooooooooo!!!!!   Its been a minuttttttte Feedbak. WELP!! I’m still in NYC i can’t believe its almost been a year since i last lived in Austin TExas. Do i miss it? HELL YEA!!! but to be perfectly honest i’ve never been so sober in my LIFE!! My liver is like jumping for joy as we speak lol. Most would be surprised how good the food is out here, italian food is everywhere yo!   The

                      By |Blog, Stuff|

                        Weezy Baby!

                        A couple weeks ago, some friends and I took a trip to the world-famous New Orleans, Nawlins, Big Easy or whatever other name this city has. I personally have many friends from there and I always heard interesting stories about it. Everybody who’s been there comes back with great memories, stories of drunkenness, and debauchery. You look on your Facebook Newsfeed and you see updates of people feel like they have let the world know

                        By |Blog, Stuff|

                          An Unlucky Patron at The Park

                          It’s Monday evening on the north side of Austin TX. I’m sitting at a table on the westside facing patio of The Park, in a fairly nice area of the Domain. As I look around I can see decorated buildings of upscale shopping and eateries along the walkways to bring patrons of all walks of life into the area to enjoy its fruits of tender and appeal. Many Austinite’s frequent The Park as one of

                          By |Blog, Food/Drinks|

                            The Group Hook Up Part 1

                            I love people-watching. I think of it as live entertainment: trying to figure out what people are saying based on their body language and facial expressions. You can tell when a group of guys is eyeing a group of girls, when a couple just had an argument, when a douchebag is about to make a move, when a girl is worried about her friend who went to the bathroom 10 minutes ago, when the bartender

                            By |Blog, People|

                              Texas Relays vs. Racism

                              I’m gonna say this and don’t care who gets mad. During Texas Relays, the city is different that most weekends. Yes, there’s a whole bunch of black folks here. But just because people and businesses speak/act unfavorably about it does not automatically mean they are racist.

                              By |Blog, Event|

                                Battle of the Bar Staff Match Ups

                                So I am pretty excited to see who will get matched up for the upcoming Battle of the Bar Staff - Fight Against Hunger on April 22 at Weirdo's.  This has been a project in the works for years.  Derek Tate approached me with the concept about 2 years when I was doing sales and marketing for a downtown venue.  The owners were not too eager to jump on board with him bringing his 3,000

                                By |Blog, Event|

                                  Displaced Employees, Gigs & Events Associated with Yassine Enterprises Troubles

                                  I got wind of the Yassine Enterprises scandal a week before SXSW from a local bar owner who said he was looking into buying Roial.  This came as a shock until he unveiled the details of the trouble the Yassine family was in.  I immediately mentioned the news to my close friend who has been a DJ and promoter in the Austin scene for over a decade.  He refused to believe this nightlife powerhouse was about

                                  By |Blog, People|

                                    Watch Out World! Lauren Silva Is Coming!

                                    So I've been telling my friend about this girl named Lauren Silva. She's a local singer/songwriter. I've been telling him about her for a while now but I just had take him to her show at Cedar Street during SXSW so he could see/hear for himself. Within the first verse, he was like "WHOA!" And he wasn't alone; everybody at the show was blown away by her performance. She sang Adele's Fire To The Rain.

                                    By |Artist, Blog, SXSW|
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