So on Tuesday my boy D-Train t.v. personality and all around good guy had an all star birthday bash and I was invited to add my talents to the party.
It’s always a pleasure to get busy in front of folks who maybe never heard of me but fully appreciate my art when I get going. The crowd was thick and totally energized as plenty of performers took to the stage and put it down proper. Funny how I still get kind of nervous after all these years of doing what I do but if people keep digging it and showing love there is no stopping anytime soon. A great party and I’ve already been asked back for next year so stay tuned.
People were staring at you thinking: “wow! That dude can rap…and fast too!”. Then they looked shocked once they’d realize it was all a freestyle cuz they were able to catch rhymes about stuff you were describing around you (usually towards the end of the freestyle).
Great performance as always!