Alright Alright….
So it was my girls 30th birthday and she wanted to hit up the Strip Club… cool. we were all down and so we went. I mean it was cool, I’m kinda biased tho since 1/2 those ladies (no im not gon tell you which club) couldn’t catch a beat to save their life. There were some girls though that I actually was entertained by I mean….. hanging AND spinning by ONE leg *anjelah johnson voice* “juuussst one” LOL.
Anyway you know how when you drink and you trying to maintain your cool and sip sip and not chug chug and then you juuust start getting that nice steady buzz – cool – so I was about there when all of a sudden…
*lookin sideways at these niggas* AW HELL NAW these dudes are not FIGHTING in a strip club. I mean we were at the main table in VIP too and of course… they had to be “minorities” WHY WHY WHYYYYYY yo? Why couldnt you be civil about yo shit?! and just how far do you REALLY think you gon get fighting in a got dam strip joint. SMDH!
I was so PISSED that I didnt know why they were fighting… LMAO. Naw for real I was mad that they bumped into our table and spilled mofo vodka all up on my nicest stillettos but besides the obvious I truly was kinda like “oh these niggas” and “but why” all at the same time – LMAO… so I thought about it and ima speculate.. here my little ol’ thoughts:
- These 5 (yes 5) dudes really thought they could battle out a lap dance.
- Perhaps they were “stuntin” and had $1 left and the $1 was worth fists being thrown.
- Maybe the 1 dude was a regular and that girl was “his” and the other dude grazed her tit.
- They were comparin who the girl was giving more attention to which would’ve went something like this “Naw nigga she was lookin at me” “man she came to me 1st tho” “I’ll knock you out nigga” “what” “what” BOOM.
- They are some dumba** drunka** GOD DAMN FOOLS!
Ima go with # 5 – you are the winner for $1- LMMFAO!!!!
In the Strip club tho?!?! FOR REAL?!??!
*shaking my dam head with a confused look*
im out.
We really are in a recession if dudes fight over a dollar dance. $1 goes a long way these days. They coulda save that dollar for a $1 value menu at Wendy’s. So how did it end? Did they get kicked out? Did they end up making up and make it rain dollar bills? Did the stripper get her money?