We went out on a Thursday nite few month ago, stop’d by few bars having a good time with a true ninja friend as Coumba calls them (lmao).. sumtimes you just want to check out a bar you pass by all the time but never been in! So here we are, few folks in front of us, some of them got rejected at the door..
Next thing coming in our mind, is “damn is he gonna let us in” … I.D checked, weight, height, eyes color, skin color, whatever match.. at least we made the cut to get in! Sumtimes tho’, u get into a bar and everybody look at u like “damn, they made the cut at the door” kinda look lollllllllll… and of course you have to act like “yep, we made the damn cut face”..
Once we got in, all we saw were POLO SHIRTS, I mean not polo polo shirt (the one the jockey is on pavement fell from the horse) but the real polo shirt, I mean POLO (jockey is about to hit the ball in action). It was interesting since only few people in there didn’t have polo shirt on including us, u could tell we weren’t regulars! I really don’t remember the name of the bar but its sumwhere round aquarium. Anybody experienced that bar? Whats up with the polo shirt? Nothing wrong with it, just wondering..
Another funny ’ting is that you bout to go out, got a very nice shirt on for the night, you get to the club or bar and sumbody else is wearing the same shirt you have on!! Damn!! I rather be shirtless! Must be a weird feelin’.. would love to see a woman reaction, same top and same purse..lmao what a woman would do? A guy wouldn’t care at some point.. u might be like “damn it,” for a minute, a booty will pass by and he forgets.
The End.
lol.. so i did the math and this is the and this is how the polo shirts came about..
[E 6th st] x [fraternity] / ( [flip flops]² – (old school rap/the phrase “chug chug”)³ ) – backwards torn hats = polo shirts
thank you.
You forgot “Woohoo”. And “Dude” is actually a form of punctuation.
I can’t stand the dresscode thing at some of the clubs, I mean if your club is already ghetto then how you gonna have a dress code? lol
I had a guy at a club that I use to work at, tell me that I could not get in because I had on a pair of diesel’s that looked like chucks. Luckily I knew the bar manager and he let me in. After I stepped in, got my drink, looked around. I noticed that everybody was dressed worse than I was. Thing is, I only stayed long enough to drink my beer and try to walk out of the club without bumping into any of the gangsters that was there. This dress code thing is starting to get a little rediculous if you ask me.